Saturday, December 24, 2011

Video from December

I just edited together all of the short clips I had from this month.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Supreme Court Thoughts Part 1

This is only Part 1 because likely at some point there will be a Part 2 or more. However, don't think of that as a promise or even a likelihood. I will probably get distracted and forget.

For all the power the President of the United States has and the the seemingly overreaching actions of Congress, there are 9 powerful people who are spoken of less frequently. Watch the news if you want. You will see. Even when important issues are at hand, 99% of the coverage that is actual "news" goes to Congress and the President. (I am referring to real news about national government, not what flavor gum Justin Bieber chewed this afternoon). The lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court give the Justices great power. And with great power, comes tremendous responsibility. The cases they choose to hear often send the country into uproar. Opposing views have fought for many years to make their case before arriving. But this post isn't about my fascination with the Justices.

My thoughts are on a case they chose not to accept.

Public schools can no longer be used to host religious services. The appellate court decision stated that it was a violation of the Constitutional requirement of separation of church and state.

I used to attend a church that met in a high school. It was a large church. That church paid a significant sum of money to rent the facility. The school depended on the income. The church depended on the space. If you are thinking I disagree with the court's ruling, you would be wrong.

While I do agree that there should be options for space-sharing unused facilities because it maximizes usage and generally allows everyone the best financial position, I cannot allow my want to override the underpinnings of the decision. If you advertise that you meet at "ABC Middle School", some people may take that as a ringing government endorsement of what you teach. Is that something I want? You can argue that people would not. But there are people who would, even if they are not the majority.

Other questions must also be pondered.

Who gets to rent the facility? Do you care to argue that any religion can rent it? Are the contracts considered a marketable item? Does it go to the church with the most money or the people with the most political power? If you do rent it out, how then do you decide the length of the contract and the re-bidding process?

Mostly my question comes down to the what religion argument. You are asking government officials to decide who gets to use the building. What if a bid doesn't go through because it would "look bad" or be unpopular? What happens if citizens protest a certain group using the facility?

Do I want my children attending a public school that is rented out to a differing faith? Would they know that a different faith uses the building? Where is the line? Is it with mainstream religions? What about cults? Who decides what is mainstream, a cult, or what is acceptable? It is easy to defend why I want my former church to keep their "home". I know them. I love them. We are brothers and sisters in Christ.

But what about other faiths? How would I feel? How would my family be impacted? What restrictions could be placed if you meet at a school?

People in government positions have shown their inability to fairly allow people to worship according to the rights given them by the Constitution. Look at the intolerance of other religions in Tennessee as an example. Someday, might be that "other" religion. How do you feel about religious freedom through another person's view point. And what I need to do today is protect my freedom to worship tomorrow.

It is easy to look at this decision and say, I think my church should get to stay. But is it as easy to say, "in 6 months, I will let someone else use this facility who opposes everything I believe"?

American history teaches us a lot. The Constitution guarantees us the right to freely practice (or not practice) religion and prohibits Congress from declaring a national religion. While the First Amendment itself does not declare that there will be separation of church and state, the Justices made that clear in several cases establishing it as principle.

I do not want an government institution or government official choosing one religion over another. Even when it comes to simply renting out a building. If there are ground rules that are voted on by the population at large, then maybe there is still room for churches to rent space. But if an official makes a decision based on what "they" want or turns down a religious entity solely because of a belief that religion has...then they have endorsed a religious choice.

In some locations, I am sure that legislation will be passed to bypass this ruling. In other locations, likely schools will just renew their contracts without consideration for the ruling. Some churches are currently looking for new facilities. I don't envy them. They are in a tough spot. There wasn't much time given to move. And there generally aren't a lot of places for them to meet.

I understand the situation seems dire for the churches who suddenly need new facilities. But my God is big enough to fulfill their needs. I think of the many countries around the world where religious meetings are prohibited. Our rights in this country are not curtailed by this decision. They are protected. My right to join together with others to worship remains intact. But to protect my right to worship, I must also protect the rights of others. Even if their views are not the same. And in this case, I am willing to say that the schools should be separate.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Coke Bottle Pics

1 month old
(My teeny tiny princess)

One Year Old
(That Coke bottle still looks pretty big next to her)

Two Years Old
(Let the record reflect: Wyatt is bigger than this already, height and weight)

Three Years Old
(This is the look I get when I say "Smile Big")

Zoe's Birthday Recap

Zoe at 3.

Wyatt thought this was awesome.
Jump. Jump. Jump.

She likes to open presents all most as much as Kevin does. She learns quickly. :)
Zoe took all of the pictures while we were out to eat.
I could tell I was not going to like the picture, but I did manage to get my head in the frame.
Zoe thought daddy was very funny. This was her best picture of the day.
Yes Wyatt crawled to the top all by himself. Also, he thinks he can fly...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Zoe's Birthday

Happy last night being 2. Sorry for sneaking in to get one last picture of my 2 year old ZoeBug. Thanks for sleeping through the flash. And in case anyone is wondering, yes those are smurfs (Smarfs formerly known as Mush) in the Nativity scene.

Tomorrow is Zoe's birthday.

3 years ago tonight, I was lying in a hospital bed miserable and cranky. The ICP was terrible with Zoe; the HG was treated much more proactively when I had Wyatt. The best non-ICP patient description I have is from someone who had poison ivy in their bloodstream...your skin itches, but it is actually internal so no amount of treatment relieves the pain and itching. My hands and feet had friction burns from the constant scraping. Needless to say, I was unbelievably sick. The funny thing is that as sick as I was, I didn't realize how bad it was until after it was over. Even more so, after being "less" sick with Wyatt.

There was still the excitement and anticipation of her impending arrival. A little bit of fear from the Amnio the week before and the 3 day a week appts. Kevin and I were still guessing if "Grover" would be a boy or a girl. My doctors already knew (and seemed shocked that with all the ultrasounds and tests we had managed to wait).

I still remember the nurse telling me to sleep at 3am. Knowing perfectly well that I hadn't slept at night in a few months because of the constant itching, I told her to leave my room. Kevin and I watched The Office on DVD for a few hours. I finally dosed in and out. Morning came and then afternoon. My doctor told me that within hours after having the baby, the itching would stop and I would no longer want to rip my skin off. To be honest, I didn't believe him. I had scratch marks on my hands, arms, legs, and feet. The fact that my body could suddenly correct itself just because I had the baby seemed unreal.

"It's a girl" was the coolest moment in my life. Zoe arrived at 5:13pm. Her little 5lbs 1oz, 18.25 inches was smaller than expected, but perfect to us. By 6am the next morning, I had showered with warm water and had taken a walk down the hall. All without the agonizing pain. I had the most precious little girl in my arms. We came home that Friday with our then 4lb 8oz teeny tiny bundle of joy.

For all the trials we have been through together in the last 3 years...HG, ICP, IUGR, low birth weight, high bilirubin levels, slow growth, reflux (no one can puke like you), blood draws and ultrasounds, FTT, ear tubes placed, GDD, OT, PT, waiting to walk until 19 months, waiting to talk until 23 months...I look at you now. I cannot believe how far you have come.

The little girl who told me tonight that she didn't want to go to bed because "The Gruffalo" might get her. She wants "all the colors cupcakes" tomorrow for her birthday and wants to share her presents with Wy-Wy because he likes tearing paper too. Crazy girl runs around but is always careful to help her brother. Talks up a storm. Sings "Jesus Loves You" because I sing "Jesus loves me" :) Can make the world light up with her smile. Uses the powerful "Awful Face" judiciously. Feisty, but obedient. Sweet, yet stubborn. Wears cowgirl boots whenever possible. Has three of the greatest heroes ever: Daddy, Buzz Lightyear and Uncle Josh.

I cannot wait to see what God has in store for the next year. Watching you grow is inspiring. Even at this age, I can see your joy, kindness, gentleness, and love. You have an unbelievably empathetic spirit. Mommy learns from you everyday. We are so very blessed.

Happy Birthday, Zoe!

(or as Zoe says..."Morrow's a dirthday. I wuv dirthday"...what she means is "I love frosting")

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fun Fall

Boo in the Zoo

We hosted the AP Meetup Halloween Party this year. Lots of fun. The kids had a great time. The moms all got to eat. We made Q-tip skeletons, played with all of toys in the house, wore our costumes, and listened to "scary" music. Gotta love the Monster Mash and Purple People Eater.

I also made treats for class.

We went to the Hawk Creek Halloween Party and Trick-or-Treating. Zoe went on the hayride. She wasn't so sure about it at first (I think waving goodbye to mommy and daddy was a little unnerving), but she had a great time. Zoe stopped at 4 houses to TOT before we came home. We handed out coupons for a free Wendy's frosty at our house for the last 30 minutes of TOT (when we got home from the party). We had 30 kids. I was a little surprised, but glad it was busy. No leftover coupons for Frostys; no leftover candy.

Candy corn fruit platter (Play Group Halloween Party)

Veggie Pumpkin (Play Group)

Acorns and Witches hats for class

Black Widow Deviled Eggs (Play Group)

The hayride pictures are mia. But they will eventually get posted.

Now it is on to November. I know most of you think it already started...It is nice and warm here so I am ignoring the calendar. Back to making some treats for tonight. Caramel Apple Fruit Pizza and Asparagus Puffs. It is "Favorite Things Pajama Party" tonight. I can't wait to see what everyone brings for their can't live with out it (under $15) product. I had a hard time deciding, but settled on my 6 in 1 opener . I used it 3 times today...I could live without it, but why would I.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wyatt's Birthday and other things

Wyatt had a great first birthday. My parents and Kevin's parents came to join in the fun.

I have no real excuse for it taking a month to upload this video. Just life. Busy life, but just life.

We went to Asheville, NC September 25th to see my grandfather (Grandpa Dahlager), Aunt Norma, and Uncle Stan. We all had a great time. I didn't get to walk down to the pond because I forgot normal shoes (I think the rain plus my heels would have ruined the walk for me). But pretty much everyone else went. I know some of you are thinking...ummm, it is a pond...but it is where Kevin and I went on our first ever date (maybe one of my favorite places ever).

Zoe had a dentist appointment. I will spare you the details. She was excited to go, not so excited after we arrived. She also had her visit to the ENT. We have been ear infection free for over 6 months. I really think that might have deserved a party of its own.

Josh moved out. We all spent his last week here ill and disappointed that we didn't get to go do stuff. However, the night before he left, I took him dancing. Which he has now crossed off his bucket list. I don't expect to find him learning to dance in the near future. Then we played 2 rounds of putt-putt and a little ski-ball. We all miss having him around, but we are so excited about the journey he is set to begin.

Then, it was on to Atlanta to visit Kevin's grandmother. Grandma Baker got to see the kids for almost a whole week while Kevin and I took turns staying in Atlanta. I went to Atlanta Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday while Kevin worked. Then he drove down Sunday night (we met for dinner at the Wendy's in Clemson) and stayed until Tuesday, so I could go to class. The kids all seemed to have a great time. Zoe and Wyatt got to see their cousin, Paton, who was in town from Utah. (There are pics on Karen's Facebook page)

We have all been back and in town for just over 60 hours. I took a test and wrote two short assignments. Kevin worked full days and did an oil change on his dad's car. The kids even managed to squeeze in two play dates. Sometimes I think next week will slow down or be less busy. I am starting to bet against that. Instead, I am embracing the busyness and really treasuring the few lazy days.

If I don't post again for a month, well, you should probably expect it will take that long. The rest of the month is filled with play dates, home maintenance, doctor's appointments and volunteering (can't forget, school for me and work for Kevin). If you want to join us for a play date, send me a text. The dates are already on the meetup calendar, but we all love to have new people join us.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Elmo Live

Zoe enjoying her tub of popcorn. At one point, she got her whole head in the bucket.

She was so serious the whole time. She loved it and waved to the characters.

Karen and Bigdog came up last week to take Zoe to see Elmo Live. Since I was going along and Wyatt was still free (way to be under 1 little man), I decided to bring him along. Both kids had a blast.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Life in September

Wyatt at 11 months (August). For comparison: Zoe at 11 months

Josh is still living with us for about another month. Zoe is really really going to miss him when he leaves. The rest of us will miss him too, but Zoe loves Josh with a silly crazy all out two-year old love. A love that doesn't understand why he is sometimes gone on the weekends is likely going to struggle with why he moves out. But we are all so proud of him and can't wait for him to begin his journey.

I am going to school. So far so good. Studying with the kids is fun. Zoe thinks Wyatt looks like an embryonic turtle. She also likes to point out everything she can identify in my books. Lots of animals and flowers. I couldn't do it without Kevin. I know some people would argue it out with me, but I can tell you without any doubt or hesitation, Kevin is the best husband ever. He is so awesome with the kids. He went with us to Monkey Joe's and served as photographer. We take turns getting up with the kids. We split the time watching the kids so I can go to school and study and he can work full-time.

We took Zoe and Wyatt to Monkey Joe's last week. Zoe was not a fan at first. But she started riding down the big slide in my lap. And then, she crawled to the top of the big slide with a little help. Much easier on my back than carrying her to the top.

We also went to a Greenville Drive game with Allen, Karen and their two little boys. Wyatt and Gabe chilled while being held (or hanging out in the stroller). Zoe and Josiah spent a lot of their time in the playground area. Zoe wore her boots and a necklace. We did bribe her into the pigtails for the evening. She seemed to like the game, but really wanted to "go play catch, please". She wanted on the field. We all got a good laugh out of that. The better pictures from the game are still on Kevin's phone.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

DC and Atlanta

Our 5th Anniversary. And our first vacation without the kids. 4 days in Washington DC. We visited monuments and museums. We walked until we couldn't feel our feet any more...and then we kept going. We ate at Hard Rock Cafe and bought another shirt for our collection. We had a blast.

Karen and Kirsten took turns watching the kids. They seem to have had a great time too.

Friday we took the kids to the Georgia Aquarium. Wyatt and Zoe were so excited. They seem to love it more every time we go. Zoe really liked the Beluga whales this time. Of course, the jellyfish are still her favorite. She said she wanted to touch the sharks, so we took her to the touch tank. She wasn't thrilled with the water. Later when we went to look at the Belugas again, she walked up and touched the glass. Then proclaimed that she had touched a shark. :) So cute. Wyatt liked the Whale Sharks and the Manta Rays. Friday night, Karen put the kids to bed so the boys and I could go see some high school football (I don't care how old they are...they act like boys at football games). Grayson didn't play very well at all. It was just a long long game with a million penalties.

Saturday morning, we took family pictures with my parents and siblings. I will post the link when I see that they are posted. I really hope there are some good ones. Zoe and Wyatt were much more well behaved than I thought they would be. Then ice cream (Grandma kept trying to bribe the kids to smile with ice cream). Then the long ride back home.

Now Kevin is at work. Josh is headed to work shortly. Life will go back to a normal rhythm. Whatever normal is. :)

The Washington Monument

The White House

Kevin at the Natural History Museum.

Zoe and Wyatt with Kaleb and Jacob in Commerce. I personally think my mom was nuts for driving them that far (and I think she felt she was nuts after doing it).

At Hard Rock Cafe Washington DC.

Zoe smashing walnuts for zucchini bread today. Toddlers really can be helpful...and it makes them a lot happier when they are involved.

Kevin and Steven. Kevin was so excited to see this.

On to the week ahead. Work, more work, Josh's first week of night work, play dates, school starting, volunteering, cooking, car pools, cleaning, laundry, and hopefully some sleep.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Play date

We hosted a play date today. And I have no pictures. Not really a surprise. I wish I did. But the play date was in my eyes a failure. Until I thought about it tonight.

Why was it a failure you ask?

I had to reschedule it from the previous week because I hadn't been feeling well. And I hate when the schedule suddenly changes (even though it constantly does).

My house wasn't clean. Turns out, other mom's don't like to host because they are worried about not having a clean enough house. Also, we all have toddlers. The toys aren't likely to all be put away at 3 in the afternoon. If they are, there might be a bigger issue.

I couldn't find paper place mats. I know what you are thinking...why would you need place mats for toddlers. We were supposed to color the place mats for Meals of Wheels. I did find them at Hobby Lobby, yesterday. And you know what...I think the people who receive them will be thrilled. They are covered in stickers and pretty colors.

Zoe was asleep when everyone arrived. "Hi, my name is Elizabeth and my kid is sleeping." Oh this is your kid, sorry there isn't anyone for him to play with yet. More kids showed up and Zoe did eventually join us. And they all had a good time.

When thinking about it now, I realized that no one really cares if my house is spotless. They actually feel better when it isn't. The kids could careless what they color on (Zoe has on the occasion taken up wall murals). Mom's just want something for their kids to enjoy. The kids learned about making something for others (and sharing toys/crayons). And Meals on Wheels will have colorful place mats to go with some of the meals. The play date was a success.

We plan to host many more in the future. Although, I am sure I will panic about the craft, the state of my house, and snack all over again. (if you live in the Upstate and want to come to a play date, let me know...we coordinate through a Meetup group for AP, but we are always glad to have friends tag along)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Starbucks, Story time and Kevin

Wyatt chillin' at story time.

I Stink! is a cute book. The kids all seemed to enjoy it.

Kevin came with us this week to story time. A Barista reads a few books. All the kids get mini Creme Fraps. Zoe took about 2 sips of her drink.

Zoe and Curious George going for a ride in the Jeep.

In other very exciting news, Zoe is completely potty trained. Well, at least in my opinion. Or maybe I am trained to remember and remind her. I think it is mostly a parental skill. Zoe always potties on the potty when I remember. And the last month, accidents have been much less frequent (mostly when we are out of the house). But Monday, we went to the play area at the mall and breakfast at Mabels. Later we went to Steak and Shake. All with no accidents.