Saturday, January 12, 2013

Catching up before school starts

 Wyatt's crazy hair.  Because.
 Wyatt all suited up.  Just to Skype Uncle Joshie.  His little Fedora is so cute.  He will fit in well at Coffee Underground.

 Disney on Ice.  Kevin's parents got us tickets to go, but were unavailable that weekend so I took the kids with my dad.  I still remember when my dad took me to see Beauty and the Beast on Ice. 

 Zoe on her birthday with her new princess dress and princess tent.  She also got the amazingly long Rapunzel braid.  And decided that if she was a princess, Wyatt should be a frog.  Because every princess needs a frog to kiss (according to Zoe).

 Zoe loves to dress herself.  Normally, she actually coordinates.  The exception to the rule is these fabulous maroon sweatpants.  She wants to wear them with everything.  She did think ahead though.  She was getting ready for bed and decided she would be too cold in she went with both the sweatpants and the shorts.

 Zoe and Wyatt at Daniel's 4th birthday party.  It was at PlayNation, which I have decided was a way better party than Monkey Joes.  The kids had a blast.

Josh surprised us while we were in Michigan for Christmas.   We managed to make it out to Ford Field to watch the Lions get pounded by the Falcons.  It was nice to have a few hours without the kids. 

Josh also made time to frost cookies with Wyatt, Zoe, Kaleb, and Jakob. 

 Zoe was not at all fond of the cat, but didn't notice it was so close to her at the moment I took this picture.  Wyatt is not a fan of the snow.  Zoe loved it, but I personally could have done without the 50-60 mph wind gusts that day.
 Wyatt riding "Trigger" on Christmas Eve at my parents house.  The kids were so glad to get out of the car after two straight days of driving.  Trigger belonged to my dad when he was a child.  I think the fact that Trigger has survived 3 generations of children is amazing. 


January in South Carolina.  It isn't always this warm, but we make the most of the times it is.  Zoe wasn't very confident on her bike over the summer, but 2 hours of riding around the tennis courts and parking lot led to a surge in confidence and a good nap.