Monday, September 24, 2012

Wyatt turns two

To Wyatt,

A reflection on the last two years

2010:  You are a crazy little guy.  The doctors thought you were coming long before you actually arrived.  I may never really get over the fact that there were contractions on the monitor for weeks before you were born.  Every time I went to the doctor, they warned me that we might need to get ready.  Of course just like your sister, you had to be evicted.  37 and 1/2 weeks.  I spent the day at the hospital with Julie while Daddy was at work.  We all tried our best to get labor kicked into full gear, but you protested.  You didn't really want to get the party started til Daddy got there.  You also didn't want to be born on the held out for morning.  The stubbornness must be genetic since it has been present since before birth.  No pitocin or epidural for Mommy (see, you come by your stubbornness honestly).  Somehow we managed to get through the process with just what I learned in Hypnobabies, Daddy, and Julie (Oh, and Dr. Twedt...who so kindly broke my water and arrived from the room next door in time to catch you).  You were so big.  7lbs, 1oz.  The only thing I remember is looking at your dad and telling him I didn't like the name we had picked.  I didn't think it fit.  So we all three went to sleep.  In the morning, you got your new name.

2011:  You walked.  On your birthday.  At your party.  Everyone thought we had been keeping it a secret.  Nope.  You just waited til you had an audience.  And that smile.  The "I did it" grin.  It looks similar to your "I have a plan" grin.  They both make me laugh. 

2012:  Today is your birthday.  You signed "car", and you said "eat".  You also said "mama".  It isn't the first time, but it still melts my heart.  I can't wait to hear you say it again.  Your face lights up when I come home from school.  I know I can count on you to hear the key in the door and come running with a hug.  You are a super cuddle bug, but only 5 seconds at a time.  Two years ago, you were cuddled in my arms while I told you a story...tonight, you were cuddled in my lap while we read bedtime stories.  Some days feel long, but being little won't last forever.  So, we will focus on the smiles, the giggles, and the laughs...the cuddles, and the snuggles; the best is yet to come, my little super hero...the best is yet to come.

Love, Mommy

To those looking to Coke bottle pictures, we switched to Coke I have to go to the store to get a bottle of the original.  I am hoping to get that picture done this weekend.