Saturday, February 25, 2012


An Uncle is better than a Superhero.
Josh rocks.
He reads stories. He shares his Cheerios. He gives kisses and hugs. He goes to the park. He goes on walks. He introduced the kids to Phineas and Ferb. He thinks Dave Ramsey is awesome. He has common sense and he uses it (I am beginning to think that is a lost art form). He shows wisdom beyond his years.
He has grown up to be an amazing man. One who loves his family. Calls them. Spends time with them and cares about them. Now he is ready to serve our country.
He is an amazing role model for our kids.
We are so grateful he is part of our lives.
We are so proud of him.

Breakfast. Zoe was so sad to see Josh go. She kept asking if he would be in his room (and why mommy didn't clean the room for Josh...I use it for storage/guest room now). We talked about him moving and promised to buy her a map.

So happy together.

Josh and the kiddos. Wyatt has started to get excited when Josh sends video texts. He will just carry my phone around and smile at the video...blowing kisses and waving. Neither of the kids seem to realize that I play the same videos over and over every night.

Everything is more fun with Josh.

Play dates with the twins: Since they are moving, we have been spending a lot of time hanging out. Zoe is really struggling with everyone moving away. It happens. One day, it will be our turn to move. In the mean time, we are going to get a map and put pictures of our friends and family on the map where they live. If you have any good ideas for the map, let me know. All of the "people" need to be movable since I don't want to have to buy a new map every time someone moves.

I am an aunt for the 4th time. Charlotte Baker was born this week. Greg, Danielle, Paton, and Charlotte will all get settled at home soon hopefully.

Josh is moving from Georgia to Texas. Round trip to Columbus, Ga in three days. We are forever grateful that Kevin was allowed to use vacation even though the calendar at work was full. God works in amazing ways to provide. The kids were awesome. We drove 6 hours on Thursday and then sat for 3 hours for the dinner and graduation. Then Friday we drove 3 hours and then 3 more hours today. Last night, we stayed at Kevin's parents house, so Kevin and I went on a post bedtime date. It was much needed. Now we are home and trying to avoid getting in the car. Kevin is at work today. Tomorrow is church and work. We need a vacation to recover from our "vacation".

The Epic Castle
While on our "vacation", Kevin and I built a diaper cake for a shower Karen is going to at church. It turned out really well. And Kevin did a lot of the work. He is an amazing man. What guy is like, "I could go out, or I could help my wife build a castle of diapers for my mother" and picks the castle. Only the most amazing man in the world.

We have been looking for a preschool for the kids. Thankfully, Kevin got a 2nd shift spot again during shift bid, so we can wait until October to decide. Some of the preschools will be full by then, but we will have to trust that God will have the perfect place for us when we need it. If we need something this summer, we have a few options prepared for those 10 weeks.

Classes: Physics and Chemistry are both coming a little easier. Amazing what practice can accomplish. And as a side benefit, I am going to start tutoring a student in 1st semester Chemistry. I had been trying to find a way to get a part-time job or find a way to bring in a little extra. Tutoring never occurred to me. My professor from last semester asked if I would be interested. It provides both extra money for our family and extra practice/studying for me in Chemistry. We are hoping to have my summer class schedule soon and my acceptance for fall classes so I can register for those as well. Study, study, study. Practice, practice, practice.

I am still volunteering at the children's hospital but now volunteer at a free clinic as well. Proving that where there is a will, there is a way to squeeze more into our schedule. I am really excited about this opportunity to serve our community. Even if nothing becomes of my dreams, I have a gained a greater appreciation for all the things God has provided for our family.

Zoe has a visit with the ENT in a few weeks. It has been a long ride since she had her tubes put in, but if all goes as expected, the tubes should have come on out their own prior to our visit. She is talking up a storm and learning a lot every day. We continue to work on sensory exploration and calming techniques every week. She loves to play dress up, dolls and cars. Her favorite thing is to go get Wyatt up from his nap so she can play with him. She is the best big sister anyone could want (Josh you can feel free to contest this since I think I was a pretty awesome big sister).

Wyatt is 17 month old (despite the fact that I have been telling people he is 18 months since Christmas since I am bad at math). He is getting to be such a big boy. He is running and climbing. He even likes the play place at Chick-fil-a, which Zoe has decided is "too big" for her to climb on. He can sort-of reach the buttons on the elevator when we are out. Zoe ensures that she and Wyatt take turns. He loves cars, his glowworm, his Owen Bear, and Buzz blanket. He is so different than Zoe, yet they are so much alike. I am the luckiest woman ever.

Kevin's parents will be visiting next weekend and my parents are coming the weekend after that. We are looking forward to spending some time with each of them. Our summer plans should be in place in the coming weeks.

Look at all the beauty in your life, and be happy. (source unknown)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

January Photos

Our trip to the Children's Museum. Zoe loved the water table. It was cold out that day and we forgot extra clothes, so Wyatt went to look at the space exhibit instead of playing in the water.The construction zone was my favorite. The kids were all tired afterward. Even Wyatt helped.
Grocery shopping was fun, but ringing up the items was Zoe's favorite. Wyatt most enjoyed filling his cart with produce faster than I could put it away.
Kevin and Wyatt outside the "studio". Zoe sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with Taylor.
Zoe is wearing Great Aunt Linda's outfit. Great Grandma Martindale brought it last year and it finally fit.
Celebrating the New Year at 7pm. Zoe loved her "special milk": Nutella with sprinkles around the rim with whole milk. Kevin got home from work just in time to watch the ball drop and ring in the new year.

Other random updates for those who read this far. School and work are still happening. We have begun to adjust to our new schedule. I take morning classes and Kevin works afternoon/evening. Kevin is continuing to do well at work. This semester I have Chemistry 2 and Calculus Based Physics 1. Chemistry is coming easily now. Physics will come with practice. After this semester, I will only have 3 more required classes before I take the MCAT. The more we work towards this as a family the more I am convinced that success is a matter of planning, effort, and strategy.

Zoe is working on nap-time potty training. She does fine if she takes a short nap. But those three+ hour naps are still about 50%. Wyatt likes to hang out in the bathroom while Zoe is in there, so I have pulled out the little potty again. I may see if Wyatt is ready over Spring Break. Getting both kids out of diapers would be amazing. If he isn't, that is fine.

Josh is graduating from Basic this month. We are going to make a very fast family vacation down to see him. Zoe asks about him everyday. We recorded videos on my iPhone. We sent some from Zoe to Josh and he sent some back. She listens to them every day. She hasn't seemed to figure out that he can't hear her (we did FaceTime over Christmas). So she talks to him and blows kisses. Wyatt's face lights up when Josh says his name. Wyatt also blows kisses.

I went to see Dave Ramsey Live with my dad in January. That was a blast. I got free tickets back in August through an e-mail, but Kevin couldn't get off work that day. Karen and Gerald kept the kids for the day. I have read Total Money Makeover a number of times. Kevin and I were essentially following the plan before we ever heard about Dave, but it was fun to go and have a fun day out. If you haven't read Total Money Makeover or don't know who Dave Ramsey is, you should check out the book at the library. It is awesome.

Hopefully, it won't be a whole month before I post again, but I make no promises about that. Also, I set Facebook to stop pushing updates to my phone and set my news feed to not ever alert me. So, if you need to share something with me, text me or send me an e-mail. It will allow our relationship to grow and will also allow me to be more focused on school, kids, life, ect.

Have a fabulous February. I hope everyone is getting some of the amazing weather we are having here in South Carolina. And provided it doesn't freeze in the next month, I will soon have pictures of my tulips.