Thursday, December 1, 2011

Zoe's Birthday

Happy last night being 2. Sorry for sneaking in to get one last picture of my 2 year old ZoeBug. Thanks for sleeping through the flash. And in case anyone is wondering, yes those are smurfs (Smarfs formerly known as Mush) in the Nativity scene.

Tomorrow is Zoe's birthday.

3 years ago tonight, I was lying in a hospital bed miserable and cranky. The ICP was terrible with Zoe; the HG was treated much more proactively when I had Wyatt. The best non-ICP patient description I have is from someone who had poison ivy in their bloodstream...your skin itches, but it is actually internal so no amount of treatment relieves the pain and itching. My hands and feet had friction burns from the constant scraping. Needless to say, I was unbelievably sick. The funny thing is that as sick as I was, I didn't realize how bad it was until after it was over. Even more so, after being "less" sick with Wyatt.

There was still the excitement and anticipation of her impending arrival. A little bit of fear from the Amnio the week before and the 3 day a week appts. Kevin and I were still guessing if "Grover" would be a boy or a girl. My doctors already knew (and seemed shocked that with all the ultrasounds and tests we had managed to wait).

I still remember the nurse telling me to sleep at 3am. Knowing perfectly well that I hadn't slept at night in a few months because of the constant itching, I told her to leave my room. Kevin and I watched The Office on DVD for a few hours. I finally dosed in and out. Morning came and then afternoon. My doctor told me that within hours after having the baby, the itching would stop and I would no longer want to rip my skin off. To be honest, I didn't believe him. I had scratch marks on my hands, arms, legs, and feet. The fact that my body could suddenly correct itself just because I had the baby seemed unreal.

"It's a girl" was the coolest moment in my life. Zoe arrived at 5:13pm. Her little 5lbs 1oz, 18.25 inches was smaller than expected, but perfect to us. By 6am the next morning, I had showered with warm water and had taken a walk down the hall. All without the agonizing pain. I had the most precious little girl in my arms. We came home that Friday with our then 4lb 8oz teeny tiny bundle of joy.

For all the trials we have been through together in the last 3 years...HG, ICP, IUGR, low birth weight, high bilirubin levels, slow growth, reflux (no one can puke like you), blood draws and ultrasounds, FTT, ear tubes placed, GDD, OT, PT, waiting to walk until 19 months, waiting to talk until 23 months...I look at you now. I cannot believe how far you have come.

The little girl who told me tonight that she didn't want to go to bed because "The Gruffalo" might get her. She wants "all the colors cupcakes" tomorrow for her birthday and wants to share her presents with Wy-Wy because he likes tearing paper too. Crazy girl runs around but is always careful to help her brother. Talks up a storm. Sings "Jesus Loves You" because I sing "Jesus loves me" :) Can make the world light up with her smile. Uses the powerful "Awful Face" judiciously. Feisty, but obedient. Sweet, yet stubborn. Wears cowgirl boots whenever possible. Has three of the greatest heroes ever: Daddy, Buzz Lightyear and Uncle Josh.

I cannot wait to see what God has in store for the next year. Watching you grow is inspiring. Even at this age, I can see your joy, kindness, gentleness, and love. You have an unbelievably empathetic spirit. Mommy learns from you everyday. We are so very blessed.

Happy Birthday, Zoe!

(or as Zoe says..."Morrow's a dirthday. I wuv dirthday"...what she means is "I love frosting")

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I loved reading this. Happy Birthday Sweet Zoe! - Love Aunt Jenny
