Saturday, August 11, 2012

Today is Rapunzel's Birthday

Zoe is excited about birthdays.  Everyone's birthday.  She knows that Daddy already had his birthday.  And Mommy's birthday is over too.  So she started this morning off with "Is it Wyatt's birthday today?"  She was very excited.  I told her no.  Her face fell a little.  Then, with the brilliance of a three year old stated "Today is Rapunzel's birthday."  For whatever reason she first made this announcement to Kevin who simply asked her what Rapunzel wanted to do for her birthday.

Side note:  Zoe's favorite princess is Rapunzel.  She loves the movie Tangled.  And she won't get her hair cut because she doesn't want it to turn brown.

Zoe responded that Rapunzel would like to go to the mall and play at the play area.  So, we did.  Funny thing:  Belk was having a back-to-school festival.  And there was face painting, balloon animals, a clown, and a fashion show.  Zoe was in awe.  Rapunzel had a pretty cool birthday party.

After the mall, we managed to squeeze in a play date at the park.  Wyatt crashed his ride on toy again.  He really likes to go fast.  Zoe is super fast on her tricycle.  She isn't very sure about her big bike, but she did try it again for about 10 minutes.  Finally Chris and I decided we were done being outside and took the kids to McDonalds where they played for over an hour.  Zoe told me tonight that Rapunzel had a good birthday.  

(This is Zoe's face paint after playing at the park and going to McDonalds.  She is really upset she can't show her princess crown to Nana tomorrow, but she thinks Nana can paint her face again.  We shall see what Nana thinks about that).

I like not having a plan most days.  Or at least being flexible with the plans I have.  Today, the only naps were in the car on the way home from the mall.  We didn't really get anything done around the house (although somehow all of the toys got dumped on the floor).  But that is ok.  Some days aren't about what I get done or don't get done.  Some days are about celebrating a fictional character's birthday because your child declared it.  Zoe didn't ask for much...and the face painting and balloon were a bonus.  But I look and think about what Zoe didn't ask for.  She didn't ask for a new toy, new clothes or a new pair of shoes.  She didn't ask for cupcakes or candy.

She asked to go play with Mommy, Daddy, and Wyatt. 

 Zoe is an ultimate princess.  Kind, loving, giving, and caring.  I know each day she grows up a little more.  I want to celebrate each day.  Take it in and enjoy the little things.  I am thankful that Kevin had the forethought to ask what Rapunzel wanted for her birthday instead of telling Zoe "that's great" or "no" or informing her that she needed to get back to the table to finish breakfast. 

Kevin is Zoe's hero, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

In other news:
We made colored rice for our sensory boxes.  Zoe loved to shake up the bag of rice.  I think they turned out quite nicely.

We have three colors so far.  I think we will make a few more, since we still have 20lbs of rice on the counter.

 Zoe and Wyatt painting with dot paints.  They also used about 100 stickers.  I am still finding the stickers everywhere around the house.

They love the huge rolls of stickers Uncle Josh gave to them when he moved out last year.  I don't think we will even use them all.  It is hard to believe Josh has been gone so long....we all still refer to the guest room as "Uncle Joshie's Room". 
A little time to play dress up.  The Bumblebee is snug on Zoe, but it is one of her favorites.  Wyatt discovered Thomas the Train in the bottom of the box.  Our neighbor, Lisa, generously passed the costume to Wyatt since her kids had outgrown it.  He doesn't look happy...mostly because I wanted him to turn around for the picture.

We took a quick detour after running errands to see a VW car show last weekend.  Some of the cars were awesome.  It was nice to have another unplanned adventure.  No pictures though.  Sometimes it is lunch time and nap time for little kids, so side adventures get less time than we want.

I actually love not being on Facebook.  The only thing I really miss is that one of my friends is due with her first baby any day now, and I know I will miss the pictures of the new one until I log back on.  Although, maybe I will send her a text and bring her a meal when she has the baby.  Somehow I think that might be better than just posting "congrats" on her Facebook wall.

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