Monday, February 3, 2014

It has been over a year

And an update is deserved.  We have had a crazy year.  And I didn't even send out Christmas cards.  So here is the year in review. 

2013 By the numbers:
5350+ flight miles (if you include my trip home from Jan 2014)
3000+ miles driven for medical/therapy appts
1750+ miles driven on our three short trips
300+ hours of volunteer work (we are looking for new suggestions to volunteer with the kids)
75+ therapy sessions
45+ EI sessions
20 doctors appts
4 days at Disney
3 days at Zoo Camp
2 kids who love cupcakes
1 night at Great Wolf Lodge
and 2 parents who could use a good long nap

January 2013:  Elizabeth started Organic Chemistry II and Microbiology while continuing to volunteer at St. Luke's Free Medical Clinic and GHS Children's Hospital.  She and Kevin began volunteering with the Fellowship Kids program at church.  She also started working on preparing an application for summer research funding.  Wyatt continued speech therapy and occupational therapy.  Kevin chilled out at work.  Zoe was just a goofy girl.

February 2013:  The kids went to the circus. 

March 2013:  Wyatt had his first videofluoroscopic swallow study.  It showed that when he drank any regular liquid, the liquid entered his airway and occasionally went all the way to his lungs.  We started using thickener and keeping his liquids very cold as the study showed that he could continue to safely receive fluids this way.  Elizabeth also had the opportunity to shadow a few doctors throughout the spring.  Kevin was in Caroline and Adam's wedding...which was awesome.  Because Caroline and Adam are awesome, and Kevin looks good in a tux.

April 2013: Elizabeth found out her summer research project was funded through the Magellan Scholar program at USC Columbia.  Kevin flew to Kansas City for a few days to help his dad clean up his Grandma Baker's house and visit her.  Elizabeth had the opportunity to go to the National Basketball Championship in Atlanta with Josh, the coolest brother.  Earlier in the weekend, she took the kids to the Michigan practice before the Final Four and the related events at the Convention Center.  There the kids got to watch the Harlem Globetrotters.

May 2013: Elizabeth took the MCAT, and Kevin handled the craziness like a champ.  There was no fun to be had as I studied constantly...and then stressed over my score until it was posted weeks later. May, June, and July was also the bulk of Elizabeth's research project.  Since Kevin was temporarily working days, the kids started preschool full-time.  Zoe loves school.  She loves being around lots of other kids, and she loves learning.

June 2013:  Greg, Kevin's brother, came into town for a few days.  Then Pauline, The Super Awesome Asian Auntie, came to spoil the kids (and Elizabeth & Kevin) for a few days of fun.  Eventually we will make another trip to New York to see her.  Maybe 2014.  Zoe went to Zoo Camp, and she still talks about its utter awesomeness. We also threw a pretty awesome party, because we like to have fun with friends.  And who needs a real reason to have a party.

July 2013:  My mom came and visited for a week.  Because Nina is awesome and crafty.  One of those skills was not passed on to her daughter.  But don't worry, it was the second one.  Wyatt's first appointment with Developmental Pediatrics to get our spot on the official waiting list.  And a trip to Disney with the World's GREATEST brother/uncle ever.  I mean that title is clearly tied to trips to the Happiest Place on Earth.  We took a 4 day mini vacation that started with an overnight drive while Wyatt screamed....the whole drive.  But we love him...and we got to Epcot when it opened, so we rode TestTrack multiple times before venturing out to the rest of the park.  Wyatt fell asleep as soon as we entered the park.  We thought he was just tired from being up all night.  Turned out he had fluid in his lungs.  We all took turns taking Zoe out to the parks to play while Wyatt slept in the hotel room. Eventually we ended up in Urgent Care and at a pharmacy at 2am.  I am hoping our next Disney trip is less eventful.  Our arrival back home meant a trip to the pediatrician followed by a trip to the pulmonologist. 

August 2013:  School started again for Elizabeth.  This time just research and Biochemistry.  The kids went back to part time (1 day a week) at school.  Elizabeth also took a position as a Supplemental Instructor for Microbiology. Wyatt got a new Early Interventionist who used to be an ABA therapist.  The whole family loves her although saying goodbye to the one we had previous was difficult.  Zoe had an ENT appointment on a Wednesday and was released.  They removed the remaining ear tube and told us we never had to come back.  On Friday, Wyatt went to the ENT and became a patient. His adenoids were going to come out and we needed a sleep study to see if his tonsils needed to come out as well.  Zoe went to Utah for a week with Kevin's mom to visit her cousin Paton. 

September 2013:  We were told Wyatt's sleep study might be December and to schedule a swallow study.  We ended up taking a cancellation and had both procedures done the beginning of the month.  The swallow study resulted in the radiologist and I both being sprayed with barium.  Wyatt was not in the mood to participate.  Wyatt's tonsils and adenoids were removed two days after he turned no party for him.  Unless riding the tricycle around the hospital floor and eating ice cream is a which case, we had an amazing party. Both Nina and Nana took turns helping with the kids since Wyatt couldn't return to school for awhile.  Zoe went to science school...the first one was butterflies.  She brought home two caterpillars and only killed one.  The other formed a cocoon, came out a beautiful monarch, and was released into our backyard.  School and work didn't really stop for life to happen, so we just managed to do more with less sleep. Somewhere between no sleep and medical appointments, Elizabeth finished her medical school application.

October 2013:  More pulmonology, more ENT, more pediatrician visits, more therapy, more EI.  Wyatt kept us busy.  Zoe went to science class.  She now has a rock collection and learned about the solar system.  Zoe also got to go to an Intro to Horses class with Boompa.  It was the highlight of her year.  We, as a family, went to Charleston for a quick 2 day break.

November 2013: Elizabeth went to some mock interviews to prepare for medical school interviews (and no, there is no update to be posted about that...I will post when there is a definitive decision on what happens next).  We stayed home for Thanksgiving and celebrated with Elizabeth, Frank, and Taylor. Wyatt had more appts, and Biochemistry came to an end.  I (Elizabeth) have never been so excited to see a semester end. 

December 2013:  Zoe turned 5.  We went to Great Wolf Lodge with Elizabeth, Frank, and Taylor.  Wyatt had another sleep study and a few other appointments.  Kevin worked Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Christmas was celebrated the day after Christmas at home, with just the kids.  We needed that quiet in our lives.

January 2014:  Started off a quick trip to California for Elizabeth...with the following instructions, "Get out of mommy mode for 48 hours.  We will be fine."  Kevin managed appts, and then Nina took the kids to a hotel to go swimming, a Christmas lights thing at Turner Field, and had lots of fun while I was gone.  I got to attend the Rose Parade and the Rose Bowl with my brother and my dad.  Truly an amazing trip.  And then more appointments, more school (only research and SI this semester), and work.  Kevin took the kids to enjoy the circus with their school while Elizabeth went out of town. 

February 2014:  Who far we have only managed class and therapy.  Wyatt and Elizabeth are going to a conference at the end of this week while Kevin has some time with Zoe.  I think Kevin is due a vacation from Daddy we will see what we can manage.

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