Sunday, April 29, 2012

Beginning of Spring

Well, I don't know where to start this post.  Not because I have anything to say and not because I have nothing to say.  I am just at a loss for organizing thoughts.  So like always...sorry in advance for rambling. 

Since I posted last, we...

went to Atlanta and saw the Atlanta Braves win their home opener.  The kids had quality time with Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, and Grantma Gigi (who was in town visiting from Wisconsin).  This also got to play with their cousins, Kaleb and Jakob.  I have no pictures of the visit, because I went to the baseball game.

The kids had doctors appointments and dentist appointments.  All is well.  And apparently Zoe thinks the dentist is hilarious, because she laughed the entire time (including the portion where Wyatt screamed...his entire appointment).  She had so much fun, she has already asked when she can go back.  I am thinking I should switch to her dentist because that is not usually my response.

The semester is over, and I am off for the summer.  I am sure we will find lots of things to do.  I have a feeling the pool will be getting a lot of use.  Zoe wears her goggles around the house year-round telling everyone who will listen, "My dad will take me to the pool, and I will kick, kick".

Zoe and Dan waiting for the train ride to begin.

We had a Sunday evening play date at the mall.  Chris treated Zoe to a ride on the train with Dan.  They were so excited.  Chris offered to let Wyatt go to, but I was fairly certain he would not have stayed in the train car without an adult.  He had plenty of fun watching from the stroller.  He was also super tired, and at one point tried to take a nap in the middle of the play area.

 To celebrate the end of the semester, we took the kids downtown.  We had lunch at Smoke on the Water followed by a walk around Falls Park.  Amazing brisket, bbq, and catfish.

Saturday, we got up early.  I took a car load of trash to Amnesty Day (disposal of items not accepted in the regular trash).  This year they also did a prescription drug take-back and paper shredding.  Just a reminder on that note:  Please dispose of Rx/over-the-counter drugs properly.  Don't put them in the water supply or trash.  Don't keep expired/leftover drugs at your house.  I am excited that the upstate finally has a system in place for safe disposal.  Check with your pharmacy, local government or if all else fails, google it. 

After Amnesty Day, we headed to the zoo.  We spent time with Heather, Phil, and Jake.  The kids all seemed to love the animals.  We renewed our zoo passes and upgraded to Household plus, so there will be lots of summer zoo play dates.  We can take our family plus any 2 other people every time we go.  The kids both love the zoo and Cleveland Park.  (Heather has all of the pictures...this statement is an attempt to shame her into posting them on Facebook so I can steal them).  :)

Our last stop Saturday before Kevin headed to work was the Project Host Competition BBQ Cook Off.  Let me just start by saying, that was some fabulous barbeque.  The kids enjoyed people watching and eating.  I think the best named team was "Too Bad You're My Cousin".  That was pretty epic.

Of course, today was Sunday.  We enjoyed church and took a class during the 11:30 service. Then ate with some people from church, including Brad and Jen.  Wyatt decided he liked Brad (I think the connection was over the love of macaroni and cheese on Brad's plate).  And Zoe told Jen, "I think I love you".  The kids were amazing well past nap time.

I have been working in the yard.  A lot.  I now have a farmer's tan and blisters on my hands.  We still have a long way to go, but the backyard looks great after 18 months of intense labor.  I am hopeful we can fix the front yard in about the same amount of time.

Zoe.  The frog.

Both kids love to play dress up.  We have been trying to spend tons of time together doing things we all like.  Playing dress up with the kids.  Having a tea party.  Cuddling up for a movie.  Building block towers.  Reading books (or the same book over and over and over and over).  Going to the park.  Taking walks with the stroller.  Visiting the zoo.  Having play dates with friends.  Digging in the dirt with shovels. 

                                                           Wyatt, the Mizzou Tiger
                                         (Courtesy of Great Grandma Baker)

I guess the one thing that has stuck out to me this year is the brevity of life.  And the suddenness of change.  Change sometimes is a drawn out process, but more often the change with the most impact is the unexpected change. 

So in light of that, my focus is different.  I can tell you that if I were to die tomorrow, someone will look at my pile of unmatched socks and roll their eyes.  But my kids will know that I took time with them.  I took time to read a story, to color a picture, to play dress up. 

Zoe, the Gorilla

The truth of the matter is that although most of us have a head knowledge that our life could end at any moment, we lack the heart impact.  We choose dishes or laundry over our kids.  We spend way too much time being busy and doing nothing.

Being back in school has required that we as a family make some difficult choices about how we spend our time.  The funniest thing to me is all the things I have time for that I didn't before.  Which sounds ridiculous, I know.  Somehow, by requiring myself to plan out my days in detail I could make time for anything of importance. 

                                                                       Wyatt, the spider

One of my new favorite things (I have been working on this since sometime over the winter) is calling people once a month.  I hate talking on the phone.  I often feel like there are better things to be done.  I should be productive.  I should multi-task and clean something while talking.

 Zoe, the spider

 Now, I don't do anything when I am on the phone with someone I love.  I just stop what I am doing and commit to the conversation like I would if we were having lunch.  It's better this way.  We have a real conversation.  I get to hear how they are doing and what is going on in their life.  It isn't Facebook level friendship (a topic for another day).  It is delving into another person's life intentionally and choosing to be a part of it.  It isn't for work.  It isn't for a school project.  It isn't even so they will like me better.  It is simply to show them that I care about them, love them, and want to be part of their life.  Being part of someone's life requires time and commitment.  Two things that are often given up in the busyness of life.  I want to be the family member who is there.  The friend who is engaged in the relationship.  I know life is busy but how much time do you spend talking to your friends, your parents, your grandparents, your spouse.

                                                                    Wyatt: Yoda, he is

My desire is to show God's love through the giving of my time.  Putting effort into relationships with friends and family even if the effort seems one-sided at times.  After all, God pursues me when I don't take time for Him.  He loves me when all I do is complain.  He cares for me and listens when all I do is ask without praise or thanksgiving.   Who do I think I am to choose not to seek out those people I have been called to love?  Why do I choose to complain that some people only call when they want something when instead I should praise God that they reached out at all?  Kevin is much better at this than I am.  He has amazing patience.  Over the 10+ years I have known him, he has had people who he loves choose other things over him constantly....and then call for help.  He always answers with a smile.  "So glad to hear from you."  "How have you been doing? What is going on in your life?"  And Kevin genuinely means those things.  Sometimes those calls end in disappointment because the friend gets the answer they need and ends the call.  No return questions.  No interest.  And Kevin always says, "I'm sure they are just busy.  They have a lot going on.  I am glad I could help them out."  To be honest, I get upset.  But the truth is, I can't assign reasons for why someone else doesn't have time.  It isn't any of my business.  My business is taking time to build relationships when the opportunity presents itself. 

 Zoe, The Ladybug

Time with the kids is intentional too.  The last few weeks have been the most amazing.  Wyatt gives Zoe a hug every morning when he wakes up.  And Zoe gives Wyatt kisses before bed.  When Wyatt spills his milk, Zoe reminds everyone that "it's ok because Wyatt is little and he is still learning." 

Saying goodbye to friends gave me renewed perspective.  I have refocused on how our family operates.  We parent with purpose.  We love each other.  We make mistakes.  We apologize and give kisses.  There are tickle fights, movie nights and giggling with all our might.  There is grace in this household.  Every action and activity is an opportunity for learning and an expression of love.

If tomorrow never comes, I want my kids to know I loved them and I want my love to have demonstrated God's grace to them in a way that helps them come to a saving knowledge and loving relationship with Him.

 "We are all just learning and sometimes we have accidents, but its ok, tomorrow I will try again."  -Zoe Baker

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