Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Weekend and a few Thank Yous

As most of you know, my grandpa has been in the hospital. So last week after talking with my mom on Thursday morning, I booked a flight. Kevin took Wyatt and Zoe to Atlanta to spend Easter with all of their grandparents.

Thanks to Kevin's parents for hosting Kevin and the kids while I was gone. It meant the world to me to be able to leave them on short notice. I know Kevin appreciated all of the meals and the help with the kids. I am hoping that the kids being there was a nice treat for Nana on her birthday.

To Mike and Linda Potter - Thank you for opening your home to me. Again on short notice and allowing me to celebrate Resurrection Sunday with your family. Easter breakfast at church and Easter lunch with your family was a real treat.

To my mom (and the rest of whoever took pics...prob dad and Josh) for the Easter pictures of the kids. I may have missed seeing Zoe and Wyatt play (or eat, as the case may have been) the ducks. But I will always have those pictures.

To Jenny Browning - for waking up before dawn to take me to the airport and for waking up in the middle of the night to pick me up from the airport. I owe you big time.

To Zoe and Wyatt - Thanks for being the best kids in the world. I am so proud of both of you. I heard you were very well-behaved. Zoe even accompanied Nana to band practice. We all hope that you continue to grow up to be amazing little kids who are obedient and flexible. You make me smile every day.

To my grandparents - Thank you for letting me come visit. We all love you very much. We continue to pray for Bumpa (and Bumma) every day. The Great Physician is watching over you (you better behave and follow the doctors orders)

To Kevin - You are the most patient and kind man I know. I am so thankful for your support, not just in time of urgent matters, but every single day. I can't believe what an awesome dad you have become. Wyatt and Zoe are so lucky. I am the luckiest though. Thank you so much for insisting that I go visit, watching the kids this weekend, using your leave time at work, arranging transportation to and from the airport for me, and encouraging me when I just didn't feel like I could get everything together. You are definitely my better half.

Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Wyatt LOVES watermelon. Not a little, not even just some. Wyatt thinks watermelon is better than hanging out with mommy, daddy, Zoe or toys.

Zoe and her own special mini cake-cake and bacon. She was so excited when Miss Mabel brought it over. This is Zoe's favorite day of the week.

Chillin at Mabels. Wyatt kinda likes this toy...but it is looking for a new home. Maybe back to Nana and Papa's house. The rules were broken when it came home with Wyatt. I have never had a toy capable of so much noise.

Wyatt congratulates Josh. "Look, I can come do push-ups with you." Josh, we love you very much and are super proud of you. Kevin would say Super Duper proud of you...but its ok to roll your eyes.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Wyatt cut his first tooth the nursery. I think I owe those ladies cookies. Or flowers. Or both.

Zoe is teething. Her 2 year molars are not in yet. I think she might just chew her fingers forever.

And in other news....the Wards are the coolest ever and we are totally going on vacation together. Watch out Myrtle Beach. Here we come.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wyatt's Dedication and a date "weekend"

So Wyatt's Baby Dedication was Sunday. I promise to move the pics here by Wednesday, but for now, they are on my mom's Facebook page. It was great. He didn't cry or throw up all over Pastor Brooks....those were my fears. After church, we had some friends and family over for lunch. Amazing amounts of Chinese food. Enough food that the take-out place is allowing me half off another huge order before the end of the month. It is time to party plan. Zoe, Dan, and Jake had fun playing kitchen, puzzles, and running around. Wyatt took a nap on Nana. The rest of us just ate and enjoyed fellowship.

Then of course everyone left. Everyone included our munchkins. It was Wyatt's first trip away. 48 hours without the kids. What exactly do to adults do when they have 48 kid free hours.

Kevin worked for 8 hours.
We slept all night, and we slept in both days (I would say mornings, but I think it was officially day by the time we got up).
We ate at Jack-in-the-Box.
We went go-kart racing, played ski-ball, went to the batting cages, enjoyed the indoor gun range (my first much more fun than I thought it would be), watched the National Championship at Wild Wings, walked around Falls Park, ate at Mabel's, got a Mocha and Baby Turtle at Coffee Underground, ate at Chick-fil-a, took swing dance lessons and went dancing.
I also manged to fit in a run. Kevin gave the Jeep a tune-up.

We had fun.

We are tired.

We missed the kids.

We are glad we are all back together now.

We are looking for a babysitter so we can go dancing next Tuesday.