Sunday, March 27, 2011


Zoe playing with the neighbors
"no more shirt, no more shirt" I thought the apron was super cute.

Check out how big I am getting. 6 months old. Hard to believe Zoe wore these Pjs at Halloween 2010.
You can't see the neighbor kid in the picture, but he was moving from one side of the swing to the other. Wyatt was just smiling and following him.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Weather

Wyatt enjoying the grass.

Zoe got this car out of the toy box the other day and brought it to me. Zoe - "HoHo Car" I can't believe she remembers getting that from Santa at Kidnetics. That guy really was a saint to help all of those kids.
Zoe and her "Fruit Snacks"

My tulips. Getting a picture might be easier without all of the wind. I'll try again tomorrow. This is mostly to rub in the good weather to my friends who still have feet of snow on the ground.
Zoe taking Baby on a walk. I think Baby needs a name. Zoe thinks Baby is a name.

The Dentist

Zoe had her first trip to the dentist today. She sat in my lap. And pleaded "please, please, please" all the way through the appointment. I laughed so hard. I mean seriously. She was pleading politely with the hygienist. Who does that? Apparently my child. But at the end of the day, Dr. Jeff got a high five and a kiss. I wonder if Zoe will recognize his picture next time we go to Bri's house to play with Jackson and Mary-Grace.

Then we had an errand to run on the way home, so Zoe and I talked.

"Zoe, I think Dr. Jeff was pretty cool. He counted your teeth."
"I is sorry. I sorry Mommy. I happy teeth."
"It's ok that you were upset, but it didn't hurt at all"
"I cried. I is sorry. I is so sorry. Love much"
"I love you too"

Maybe she will study dentistry...Maybe not.

Definitely something a little geeky...I can't imagine where she got that part of her personality.

Friday, March 18, 2011

An overnight playdate

We stayed at the twin's house last night. Except Kevin, he had to work. We went to Moe's and got takeout for dinner (and a momma saw us, took pity, and helped me getting the kids and the food to the car). Then we ate, played, and all 4 of the kids got in the bathtub. It is starting to get a little crowded now that Wyatt is trying to join the fun. One quick game of Dora the Explorer before bed. I still can't believe all 4 kids went to bed in short order after baths. Wyatt got up at 11:30pm, Taylor got up at 4am, Kevin arrived at 6:45am. I managed to get the kids to school on time, get packed up, and get home to start our own morning.

All that to say, I am so thankful that God has only blessed me with 2 children. :) 4 kids under 5 make me tired...even when it is the best 4 kids in the whole world.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Hello Again

I decided that since we are a family of four we should have a blog that includes all of us. So, welcome to the blog. Since both of the kids are sleeping at the same time, I am going to go clean the house instead of blog. But I promise to keep up a little better with this one than I did with Zoe's blog.